List of publications (* - a collaborative study or a study carried out in other laboratory) Wykaz publikacji (* - współpraca albo badania prowadzone na wyjeździe)
A.K. 1956: Studies on reproduction and
prenatal mortality of the Common-Shrew (Sorex araneus L.). Part I.
Foetal regression. Annales UMCS, Sectio C, 9, 387-429.
A.K. 1957: Studies on reproduction and
prenatal mortality of the Common-Shrew (Sorex araneus L.). Part II.
Reproduction under natural conditions. Annales UMCS, Sectio C, 10, 177-244
(in polish with long english summary).
A.K. 1957: Transplantation of eggs in
mammals. Kosmos A, 5 (28), 519-533 (in polish).
A.K. 1959: Experiments on the
transplantation of ova in mice. Acta Theriologica, 2, 251-267.
A.K. 1959: Experiments on the development
of isolated blastomeres of mouse eggs. Nature, London, 184, 1286-1287.
A.K. 1959: Experimental studies on
regulation in the development of isolated blastomeres of mouse eggs. Acta
Theriologica, 3, 191-267.
*Tarkowski, A.K.
1961: Mouse chimaeras developed from fused eggs. Nature, London, 190,
W. 1961: A case of oocyte cleavage.
Zoologica Poloniae, 11, 161-164.
*Tarkowski, A.K.
1962: Inter-specific transfers of eggs between rat and mouse. J.
Embryol. exp. Morph., 10, 476-495.
T. 1962: Differences in the process of
ossification during the embryonic development of the chick (Gallus
domesticus L.), rook (Cervus frugilegus L.) and black-headed gull
(Larus ridibundus L.). Zoologica Poloniae, 12, 223-238.
A.K. 1963: Studies on mouse chimeras
developed from eggs fused in vitro. National Cancer Institute Monograph,
11, 51-71.
*McLaren, A., Tarkowski,
A.K. 1963: Implantation of mouse eggs in the peritoneal cavity. J.
Reprod. Fert., 6, 385-392.
A.K. 1964: Patterns of pigmentation in
experimentally produced mouse chimaerae. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 12, 575-585.
A.K. 1964: True hermaphroditism in
chimaeric mice. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 12, 735-757.
A.K. 1965: Embryonic and postnatal
development of mouse chimaeras. In: Ciba Foundation Symposium on
Preimplantation Stages of Pregnancy (eds. G. W. Wolstenholme & M.
O'Connor), J. & A. Churchill Ltd., London, pp. 183-193.
T. 1965: The development of the pelvic
girdle of the chick embryo (Gallus domesticus L.) after the extirpation of
the posterior limb bud. Zoologica Poloniae, 15, 65-78.
A.K. 1966: An air-drying method for
chromosome preparations from mouse eggs. Cytogenetics, 5, 394-400.
A.K., Wróblewska, J. 1967: Development
of blastomeres of mouse eggs isolated at the 4- and 8-cell
stage. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 18, 155-180.
W. 1967: Observations on the origin of
primordial germ cells in the mouse. Zoologica Poloniae, 17, 367-379.
*Mystkowska, E.T., Tarkowski,
A.K. 1968: Observations on CBA/p-CBA-T6T6 mouse chimeras.
J. Embryol. exp. Morph. 20, 33-52.
T. 1968: The effect of transection of
the duck blastoderm on the orientation of the embryo. J. Embryol. exp.
Morph., 20, 237-245.
1968: Primordial germ cells in
normal and transected duck blastoderms. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 20, 247-260.
*Wróblewska, J.,
Dyban, A.P. 1969: Chromosome preparations from mouse embryos during early
organogenesis: dissociation after fixation, followed by air drying. Stain
Tech., 44, 147- 150.
T. 1969: Migration of the chick
primordial germ cells from the intracoelomically transplanted germinal
crescent into the genital ridge. Experientia, 25, 631-632.
K.A. 1969: Estimations of number of young
born on the basis of placental scars count in the laboratory mouse. Acta
Theriologica, 14, 263-267.
T., Komar, A. 1969: The
relationship between the orientation of the early chick embryos and the
shape of the egg shell. Experientia, 25, 990-991.
W. 1969: Fate of primordial germ cells
in the transplanted hind gut of mouse embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph.,
22, 505-510.
Komar, A. 1969: Primordial germ cells in chick germinal crescent
developing as chorio-allantoic or intra-coelomic graft. Zoologica
Poloniae, 19, 517-523.
A.K. 1969: Consequences of sex chromosome
chimerism for sexual differentiation in mammals. Annales d'Embryologie et
de Morphogenese, Suppl. 1, 211-222.
*Tarkowski, A.K.,
Smorawińska, M., Janota-Bassalik, L. 1970: Short-lived
infection with enterococci of mouse oviduct following mating. J. Reprod.
Fert., 21, 289-292.
A.K., Witkowska, A., Nowicka, J. 1970:
Experimental parthenogenesis in the mouse. Nature, London, 226, 162-165.
*Mystkowska, E.T., Tarkowski,
A.K. 1970: Behaviour of germ cells and sexual differentiation in late
embryonic and early postnatal mouse chimeras. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 23,
J.A. 1970: The role of the zona pellucida
in the development of mouse eggs in vivo. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 23,
A.K. 1970: Are the genetic factors
controlling sex differentiation of somatic and germinal tissues stable or
labile? Fogarty International Center Proc. No. 2., Symposium
"Environmental Influences on Genetic Expression. Biological &
Behavioral Aspects of Sexual Differentiation. (eds. N. Kretchmer &
D.N. Walcher). U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., pp. 49-60.
A.K. 1970: Germ cells in natural and
experimental chimeras in mammals. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond., B, 259,
A.K. 1970: The nature of blastomere
differentiation in early mammalian development - epigenetic or
intrinsic? In: Cellular interactions in differentiation and growth, Nauka,
Moscow, pp. 117-125, (in Russian).
A.K. 1971: Development of single
blastomeres. In: Methods in Mammalian Embryology (ed. J.C. Daniel, Jr.),
W.H. Freeman & Co., San Francisco, pp. 172-185.
T., Ożdżeński, W., Komar, A. 1971:
Behaviour of mouse primordial germ cells in the chicken embryo. J.
Embryol. exp. Morph., 25, 155-164.
A.K. 1971: Recent studies on
parthenogenesis in the mouse. J. Reprod. Fert., Suppl. 14, 31-39.
J. 1971: Developmental anomaly in the
mouse associated with triploidy. Cytogenetics, 10, 199-207.
*Czołowska, R. 1972:
The fine structure of the "germinal cytoplasm" in the egg of
Xenopus laevis. Wilhelm Roux' Archiv, 169, 335-344.
A.K. 1972: Comments on the application of
cell fusion techniques to the study of mammalian embryology. Adv. Biosc.,
8, 275-278.
W. 1972: Differentiation of the genital
ridges of mouse embryos in the kidney of adult mice. Arch. Anat. micr.
Morph. exp., 61, 267-278.
A. 1973: Parthenogenetic development of
mouse embryos in vivo. I. Preimplantation development. J. Embryol.
exp. Morph., 30, 519-545.
A. 1973: Parthenogenetic development of
mouse embryos in vivo. II. Postimplantation development J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 30, 547-560.
Komar, A. 1973: Parthenogenetic development of mouse eggs
activated by heat-shock. J. Reprod. Fert., 35, 433-443.
E.T. 1975: Development of mouse-bank vole interspecific chimaeric
embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 33, 731-744.
J.A. 1975: Haploid mouse embryos obtained
by microsurgical removal of one pronucleus. J. Embryol. exp. Morph. , 33,
A. 1975: Induction of triploidy in the
mouse by cytochalasin B. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 34, 279-289.
A.K. 1975: Induced parthenogenesis in the
mouse. In: The Developmental Biology of Reproduction, 33rd Symposium of
the Society for Developmental Biology (ed. C. L. Markert and J.
Papaconstantinou), Academic Press, New York-San Francisco-London,
pp. 107-129.
H., Tarkowski, A.K. 1976: Diploid
parthenogenetic mouse embryos produced by heat-shock and
cytochalasin B. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 35, 25-39.
*Tarkowski, A.K.,
Rossant, J. 1976: Haploid mouse blastocysts developed from bisected
zygotes. Nature, London, 259, 663-665.
*Ożdżeński, W.,
Mystkowska, E.T. 1976: Stages of pregnancy of the bank vole. Acta
Theriologica, 21, 279-286.
*Ożdżeński, W.,
Mystkowska, E.T. 1976: Implantation and early postimplantation
development of the bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus, Schreber. J.
Embryol. exp. Morph., 35, 535-543.
T. 1976: The effect of transection of
the duck blastoderm on the orientation of the embryo, In: International
Symposium on Early Avian Development, Antwerp, 22-24 May 1975, pp.
W., Rogulska, T., Bałakier, H., Brzozowska, M., Rembiszewska, A.,
Stępińska, U. 1976: Influence
of embryonic and adult testis on the differentiation of embryonic ovary in
the mouse. Arch. Anat. micr. Morph. exp., 65, 285-294.
*Tarkowski, A.K.
1977: In vitro development of haploid mouse embryos produced by
bisection of one-cell fertilized eggs. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 38,
Opas, J. 1977: Effects of extremely low osmolarity on
fertilized mouse eggs. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 37, 65-77.
A.K., Witkowska, A., Opas, J. 1977:
Development of cytochalasin B-induced tetraploid and
diploid/tetraploid mosaic mouse embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 41, 47-64.
Opas, J. 1977: Effects of cytochalasin B on cytokinesis in
mouse blastomeres. I. Light microscopy study. Dev. Biol., 61, 373-377.
Bałakier, H., Czołowska, R. 1977: Cytoplasmic control of nuclear maturation in
mouse oocytes. Exp. Cell Res., 110, 466-470.
H. 1978: Induction of maturation in
small oocytes from sexually immature mice by fusions with meiotic or
mitotic cells. Exp. Cell Res., 112, 137-141.
*Opas, J.,
Sołtyńska, M.S. 1978: Reorganization of the cortical layer during
cytokinesis in mouse blastomeres Exp. Cell Res., 113, 208-211.
J.A. 1978: Transfer of embryonic
nuclei to fertilised mouse eggs and development of tetraploid blastocysts.
Nature, London, 273, 466-467.
*Niemierko, A., Opas,
J. 1978: Manipulation of ploidy in the mouse. In: Methods in Mammalian
Reproduction, vol. 2, (ed. J.C. Daniel), Academic Press, New York-San
Francisco-London, pp. 49-65.
A.K. 1978: Germ cells in XX-XY mouse chimeras. In: Genetic Mosaics and Chimeras in
Mammals (ed. L. B. Russell), Plenum Press, New York and London, pp. 135-142.
*Mystkowska, E.T., Ożdżeński,
W., Niemierko, A. 1979: Factors regulating the degree and extent of
experimental chimaerism in the mouse. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 51,
H. 1979: Interspecific heterokaryons
between oocytes and blastomeres of the mouse and the bank vole. J. exp.
Zool., 209, 323-329.
A.K., Bałakier, H. 1980: Nucleo-cytoplasmic
interactions in cell hybrids between mouse oocytes, blastomeres and
somatic cells. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 55, 319-330.
A.K. 1980: Fertilization of nucleate and
anucleate egg fragments in the mouse. Exp. Cell Res., 128, 73-77.
H., Tarkowski, A.K. 1980: The role of
germinal vesicle karyoplasm in the development of male pronucleus in the
mouse. Exp. Cell Res., 128, 79-85.
Szöllösi, D., Bałakier,
H., Czołowska, R., Tarkowski, A.K. 1980: Ultrastructure of cell
hybrids between mouse oocytes and blastomeres. J. exp. Zool., 213, 315-325.
*Modliński, J.A.,
McLaren, A. 1980: A method for visualizing the chromosomes of the second
polar body of the mouse eggs. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 60, 93-97.
*Modliński, J.A.
1980: Preimplantation development of microsurgically obtained haploid
and homozygous diploid mouse embryos and effects of pretreatment with
cytochalasin B on enucleated eggs. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 60, 153-161.
W., Czołowska, R. 1980: Lipid
inclusions in oocytes and preimplantation embryos of different strains of
mice. Folia Morph. 4, 497-502.
J. 1981: Electron microscopic studies
of cytokinesis in metazoan cells. In "Cellular Dynamics:
Mitosis/Cytokinesis" (eds. A.M. Zimmerman and A. Forer), Academic
Press, New York, pp. 419-436.
*Modliński, J.A.
1981: The fate of inner cell mass and trophectoderm nuclei
transplanted to fertilized mouse eggs. Nature, London, 292, 342-343.
A. 1981: Pronuclear development
and the first cleavage division in polyspermic mouse eggs. J. Reprod.
Fert., 62, 493-498.
*Bałakier, H.,
Pedersen, R.A. 1982: Allocation of cells to inner cell mass and
trophectoderm lineages in preimplantation mouse embryos. Dev. Biol., 90,
Borsuk, E.
1982: Preimplantation development of
gynogenetic diploid mouse embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 69, 215-222.
T. 1982: Primordial germ cells in the
fragments of unincubated chick blastoderm cultured in ovo. Zoologica
Poloniae, 29, 5-12.
A.K. 1982: Nucleo-cytoplasmic
interactions in oogenesis and early embryogenesis in the mouse. In:
Embryonic Development, Part A: Genetic Aspects (eds. M. . M. Burger and R.
Weber), Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 407-416.
A.K., Wojewódzka, M. 1982: A method
for obtaining chimaeric mouse blastocysts with two separate inner cell
masses: a preliminary report. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 71, 215-221.
A. 1982: Fertilization of zona-free rat
eggs with mouse spermatozoa: the fate of sperm nuclei up to the first
cleavage division. Folia Biol., (Kraków) 30, 105-112.
R. 1983: Nuclear size and
nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio in cleaving mouse embryos of different ploidy.
Acta Biol. Cracov., s. Zool., 25, 45-50.
W., Czołowska, R. 1983: Nuclear
size, cell size and nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio in cleaving mouse embryos
with normal and reduced cell volume. Acta Biol. Cracov. s. Zool., 25,
A.K. 1983: Cytoplasmic control of the
transformation of sperm nucleus into male pronucleus in the mouse: an
experimental approach. In: The Sperm Cell, Proc. 4th Int. Symp. on
Spermatology (ed. J. Andre), M. Nijhoff Publ., The Hague-Boston-London,
pp. 253-257.
*Bałakier, H. 1984:
Endogenous peroxidase in the visceral endoderm of early mouse embryos. J.
exp. Zool., 231, 243-248.
R., Modliński, J. A., Tarkowski, A.K. 1984:
Behaviour of thymocyte nuclei in non-activated and activated mouse
oocytes. J. Cell Sci., 69, 19-34.
W., Presz, M. 1984: Precocious
initiation of meiosis by male germ cells of the mouse. Arch. Anat. micr.
Morph. exp., 73, 1-7.
M., Krysiak, E., Karasiewicz, J., Czołowska, R., Tarkowski, A.K. 1984: Autonomous cortical activity in mouse eggs
controlled by a cytoplasmic clock. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 79, 77-96.
*Kaczanowski, A., Gaertig, J., Kubiak, J. 1985: Effect of the antitubulin drug nocodazole on
meiosis and post meiotic development in Tetrahymena thermophila. Exp. Cell
Res., 158, 244-256.
J., Modliński, J.A. 1985:
Dislocation of gold particles in the cytoplasm of mouse zygotes during
cleavage. Roux's Archiv. Dev. Biol., 194, 495-497.
J., Sołtyńska, M. 1985:
Ultrastructural evidence for the presence of actin filaments in mouse eggs
at fertilization. Roux's Archiv. Dev. Biol., 194, 369-372.
Kubiak, J.
Z., Tarkowski, A.K. 1985:
Electrofusion of mouse blastomeres. Exp. Cell Res., 157, 561-566.
*Sołtyńska, M.S., Bałakier, H., Witkowska, A., Karasiewicz, J. 1985: Binucleate
cells in mouse morulae. Roux's Archiv. Dev. Biol. 194, 173-177.
*Karasiewicz, J.,
Sołtyńska, M.S. 1986: Effects of cytochalasin B on the cleavage furrow in
mouse blastomeres. Roux's Archiv. Dev. Biol. 194, 137-141.
T., Zając, H. 1986-1987:
Meiotic prophase in the left embryonic testis of the Japanese quail
(Coturnix coturnix japonica L.). Arch. Anat. micr. Morph. exp., 75,
*Szöllösi, D., Czołowska,
R., Sołtyńska, M. S., Tarkowski,
A.K. 1986: Ultrastructure of cell fusion and premature chromosome
condensation (PCC) of thymocyte nuclei in metaphase II mouse oocytes.
Biol. Cell, 56, 239-250.
R., Waksmundzka, M., Kubiak, J.Z., Tarkowski, A.K. 1986: Chromosome condensation activity in ovulated
metaphase II oocytes assayed by fusion with interphase blastomeres. J.
Cell Sci., 84, 129-138.
*Ozil, J.P., Modliński,
J.A. 1986: Effects of electric field on fusion rate and survival of
2-cell rabbit embryos. J. Embryol. exp. Morph., 96, 211-228.
*Szöllösi, D., Czołowska,
R., Sołtyńska, M. S.,
Tarkowski, A.K. 1986: Remodelling of thymocyte nuclei in activated
mouse oocytes: an ultrastructural study. Europ. J. Cell Biol., 42, 140-151.
M.S., Szöllösi D., Czołowska R.
1986: Post-fusion reaction of mouse oocyte cortex to incorporated
thymocyte cells. Biol. Cell, 57, 135-142.
Rogulska, T., Karasiewicz, J., Ożdżeński, W. 1986. Ćwiczenia z biologii rozwoju. Rozwój zarodkowy
owodniowców: kury i myszy. (red. T. Rogulska). Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu
Warszawskiego. Str. 127.
*Modliński, J.A.,
Ozil, J.P. 1987: Experimental polyembryony in mammals. In: Future Aspects
in Human In Vitro Fertilization. (eds. W. Feichtinger and P. Kameter).
Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg, pp. 225-231.
*Ozil, J.P., Modliński,
J.A. 1987: Electric field induced fusion of blastomeres. In: Future
Aspects in Human In Vitro Fertilization. (eds. W. Feichtinger and P.
Kameter). Springer Verlag, Berlin - Heidelberg, pp. 213-217.
I., Karasiewicz, J. 1987:
Decompaction and recompaction of mouse preimplantation embryos. Roux's
Dev. Biol., 196, 397-400.
Rogulska, T., Ożdżeński, W.
1987: Autonomous development of embryonic testes of the quail (Coturnix
coturnix japonica L.) cultured as intracoelomic grafts. Zoologica
Poloniae, 34, 221-224.
M. 1987: Chromatin condensation factors
in the life cycle of eukaryotic cells. Postępy Biologii Komórki, 14,
307-325 (in Polish).
Borsuk, E., Mańka, R. 1988:
Behavior of sperm nuclei in intact and bisected metaphase II mouse oocytes
fertilized in the presence of colcemid. Gamete Res., 20, 365-376.
*Szöllösi, D., Czołowska,
R., Szöllösi, M. S., Tarkowski,
A.K. 1988: Remodelling of mouse thymocyte nuclei depends on the time
of their transfer into activated, homologous oocytes. J. Cell Sci., 91,
Kubiak, J.Z.
1989: Mouse oocytes gradually develop the capacity for activation during
the metaphase II arrest. Dev. Biol.,136, 537-545.
R., Tarkowski, A.K. 1989:
Transformation of sperm nuclei into male pronuclei in nucleate and
anucleate fragments of parthenogenetic mouse eggs. Gamete Res., 24, 471-481.
*Illmensee, K., Gerhauser, D., Lioi, B., Modliński, J.A. 1989:
Developmental potential of nuclei from mouse teratocarcinoma cells.
Naturwissenshaften, 76, 582-684.
A.K. 1990: Cytoplasmic control of the
transformation of sperm nucleus into male pronucleus. In: Advances in
Assisted Reproductive Technologies (eds. S. Mashiach et al.), Plenum
Press, New York and London. pp. 807-813.
*Modliński, J.A.,
Gerhauser, D., Lioi, B., Winking, H., Illmensee, K. 1990: Nuclear transfer
from teratocarcinoma cells into mouse oocytes and eggs. Development, 108,
*Maro, B.,
Kubiak, J., Gueth, C., De
Pennart, H., Houliston, E., Weber, M., Antony, C., Aghion, J. 1990:
Cytoskeleton organization during oogenesis, fertilization and
preimplantation development of the mouse. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 34, 127-137.
Maleszewski, M.
1990: Decondensation of mouse sperm chromatin in cell-free extracts: a
micromethod. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 27, 244-248.
*Szöllösi, D., Szöllösi, M. S., Czołowska, R., Tarkowski, A.K. 1990: Sperm penetration into
immature mouse oocytes and nuclear changes during maturation: an EM study.
Biol. Cell, 69, 53-64.
*Modliński, J.A.,
Smorąg Z. 1991: Preimplantation development of rabbit embryos after transfer
of embryonic nuclei into different cytoplasmic environment. Mol. Reprod.
Dev., 28, 361-372.
Żernicka-Goetz, M.
1991: Spontaneous and induced activation of rat oocytes. Mol. Reprod.
Dev., 28, 169-176.
*Borsuk, E. 1991: Anucleate
fragments of parthenogenetic eggs and of maturing oocytes contain
complementary factors required for development of a male pronucleus. Mol.
Reprod. Dev., 29, 150-156.
*Prather, R.S., Kubiak,
J., Maul, G.G., First, N.L., Schatten, G. 1991: The expression of
nuclear lamin A and C epitopes is regulated by the developmental stage of
the cytoplasm in mouse oocytes or embryos. J. exp. Zool., 257, 110-114.
*Kubiak, J.Z., Prather R.S., Maul,
G.G., Schatten, G. 1991: Cytoplasmic modification of the nuclear lamina
during pronuclear-like transformation of mouse blastomere nuclei. Mech.
Dev., 35, 103-111.
*Kubiak, J.Z. 1991: Cell
cycle-dependent behavior of microtubules in hybrids of mouse oocytes and
blastomeres. Int. J. Dev. Biol., 35, 1-7.
*Kubiak, J.Z. 1991: Cleavage
divisions of bisected sea urchin egg and zygotes: implications for
centrosome role and inheritance. Eur. Arch. Biol., 102, 103-109.
Maleszewski, M. 1992:
Behavior of sperm nuclei incorporated into parthenogenetic mouse eggs
prior to the first cleavage division Mol. Reprod. Dev., 33, 215-221.
Czołowska, R., Szöllösi,
D., Szöllösi, M. S. 1992: Changes in embryonic 8-cell nuclei transferred
by means of cell fusion to mouse eggs. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 36, 543-553.
E., Mystkowska, E.T., Ożdżeński, W.
1992: Hermaphroditism in young mouse chimeras. Biol. Struct. Morphog.,
4, 78-80.
Rogulska, T.,
Klotz, A.G., Łaszczych-Łupińska, J. 1992: Influence of chick or quail
embryonic testes on the reproductive system of the quail embryo. Biol.
Struct. Morphog., 4, 23-27.
*Żernicka-Goetz, M., Kubiak, J.Z.,
Antony, C., Maro, B. 1993: Cytoskeletal organization of rat oocytes during
metaphase II arrest and following abortive activation: a study by confocal
laser scanning microscopy. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 35, 165-179.
*Żernicka-Goetz, M., Maro, B. 1993:
Okadaic acid affects spindle organization in metaphase II-arrested rat
oocytes. Short note. Exp. Cell Res., 207, 189-193.
M., Weber, M., Maro, B. 1993: Full activation of rat oocyte by protein
synthesis inhibition requires protein phosphatase activity. Int. J. Dev.
Biol., 37, 273-277.
Ciemerych, M.A., Czołowska, R. 1993: Differential chromatin condensation of female and
male pronuclei in mouse zygotes. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 34, 73-80.
*Wisniewski, J., Maleszewski,
M., Krawczyk, Z., Gedamu, L. 1993: An upstream region of the rat
spermatogenesis-specific heat-shock-like Hst70 gene confers
testis-specific expression in transgenic mice. Eur.J. Biochem., 212,
M., Bielak A. 1993: Sperm penetration in parthenogenetic mouse
embryos triggers a plasma membrane block to polyspermy. Zygote 1, 237-242.
*Szöllösi, M.S., Borsuk E., Szöllösi D. 1994: Relationship between sperm
nucleus remodelling and cell cycle progression of fragments of mouse
parthenogenotes. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 37, 146-156.
M. 1994: Activation of embryonic genes
during preimplantation rat development. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 38, 30-35.
D., Borsuk E., 1994: Sperm
entry into fertilised mouse eggs. Zygote, 2, 129-131.
M., 1994: Development of rat x mouse
hybrid embryos produced by microsurgery. J. Exp. Zool., 269, 551-559.
M.A. 1995: Chromatin condensation
activity and cortical activity during the first three cell cycles of a
mouse embryo. Mol. Reprod. Dev., 41, 416-424.
M., Ciemerych, M. A., Kubiak, J. Z.,
Tarkowski, A. K. and Maro, B.
1995: Cytostatic factor inactivation is induced by a calcium-dependent
mechanism present until the second cell cycle in fertilized but not in
parthenogenetically activated mouse eggs. J. Cell Sci., 108, 469-474.
M. 1995: Sulphydryl reagent
iodoacetamide inhibits progression of meiosis and sperm transformation in
mouse oocytes fertilised in vitro. Zygote,
3, 75-79.
M., Kline, D., Yanagimachi, R. 1995:
Activation of hamster zona-free oocytes by homologous and heterologous
spermatozoa. J. Reprod. Fertil., 105, 99-107.
M. 1995: Sperm nuclei entering
parthenogenetically activated mouse oocytes before the first mitosis
transform into pronuclei. An ultrastructural study. Anat. Rec., 243,
M., Yanagimachi, R., 1995: Spontaneous
and sperm-induced activation of oocytes in LT/Sv strain mice. Develop.
Growth Diff., 37, 679-685.
*Mystkowska-Bączkowska, E.T., Komar, A., Samosamos-Zielińska,
J., Stroińska, W., Rogulska,
T. 1995: Ocena przydatności błony omoczniowo-kosmówkowej zarodka kury
do testowania drażniących właściwości substancji chemicznych. (Assessment
of the choriaoallantoic membrane of the chick embryo to test irritation
potential of chemical and cosmetic products). Roczn. PZH, 46, 407-415
(In Polish, with English Summary).
Sokół-Misiak, W., Rogulska,
T. 1995. Developmental anomalies in quail-chick transgenic chimaeras
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